Profil Perusahaan

Duta Pertiwi Tbk

Code : DUTI
Name : Duta Pertiwi Tbk
Type : Emiten


: Developer and Real Estate
Sector Code : H. Properties & Real Estate
Sector Name : H1
Industry : H11
Sub Industry : H111

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 1972-12-29

Brief of Company Background

The Company engages in plywood, chemical goods and mining processing industries domiciled in Pontianak, the factory location is on the banks of the Kapuas River with an area of ??± 3 hectares supported by ± 106 skilled workers. The Company was established based on notarial deed No. 45 dated March 18, 1982. The construction period was held for about 2 years, from 1984 to 1986. The Company commenced commercial production in early 1987 to the present.Company Products- Products produced:1. Main Products? Urea Formaldehyde (UF Glue)? Phenol Formaldehyde (PF Glue)? Urea Melamine Formaldehyde (UMF Glue)? Particle Board Glue (PB Glue)2. Semi-finished products? Formalin3. Side products, as an additional material for the production process in the customer industry:? UF Hardener? Hardener PF? UMF Hardener? PB Hardener? Additive (emission binder, etc.)Hardener, as a complement / hardener for the main product, is used in the production process of plywood.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
