Profil Perusahaan

Eagle High Plantations Tbk.

Code : BWPT
Name : Eagle High Plantations Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Palm Oil Plantation
Sector Code : D. Consumer Non-Cyclicals
Sector Name : D2
Industry : D23
Sub Industry : D232

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2000-11-06

Brief of Company Background

P.T. Bumi Perdana Prima International (the Company) was established based on Notarial Deed No. 13 dated November 6, 2000 of Paulus Widodo Sugeng Haryono, S.H., notary in Jakarta. The Deed of Establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in his decision letter No. C2-5665.HT.01.01.Th.2001 dated December 22, 2000 and was published in the State of Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 68 dated August 26, 2003. The Companys Articles of Association was amended by Notarial Deed No. 26, dated August 31, 2004 of Harra Mieltuani, S.H., notary in Jakarta, concerning the change in Companys authorized capital. The change was approved by the Minister of Justice of The Republic of Indonesia in his decision letter No. C-26990 HT.01.04. TH.2004 dated October 28, 2004. The Companys Articles of Association was further amended, to reflect the increase of the authorized capital from Rp 44,440,000 thousand to Rp 160,000,000 thousand and the increase of the issued and paid in capital stock from Rp 33,330,000 thousand to Rp 40,766,160 thousand, by Notarial Deed No. 5 dated September 4, 2007 of Muhammad Hanafi, S.H., notary public in Jakarta. The changes had been approved by the Minister of Law of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. W7-10486.HT.01.04.TH.2007 dated September 21, 2007.The Companys Articles of Association was recently amended by Notarial Deed No. 41 dated December 28, 2007 of Muhammad Hanafi, S.H., notary in Jakarta, concerning the change in the Company’s name from PT Bumi

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
