Profil Perusahaan

Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk.

Code : BRMS
Name : Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Holding company for subsidiaries engaged in mining activities
Sector Code : B. Basic Materials
Sector Name : B1
Industry : B14
Sub Industry : B146

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2003-08-06

Brief of Company Background

Bumi Resources Minerals is incorporated in Indonesia and holds various non-coal mineral operating, development and exploration properties in Indonesia and in West Africa. BRM has a diverse portfolio of minerals and holds security of tenure for its exploration and development properties. Given the strong commodity demand in the medium to long term, BRM provides a unique opportunity to be part of a diverse mineral company. The management team has sound business experience in resource development and operating activities. The team has the ability to manage in developing countries. BRM also has strong backing from its parent company, BUMI. These properties give exploration and mining rights to various minerals including copper, gold, lead, zinc, iron ore, phosphate, diamonds,molybednum, and kimberlite pipes.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
