Profil Perusahaan

Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk.

Code : BJBR
Name : Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Banking
Sector Code : G. Financials
Sector Name : G1
Industry : G11
Sub Industry : G111

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 1999-04-08

Brief of Company Background

The founding history-1961The founding of Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat was backgrounded by the the rules of the government of Republic of Indonesia number 33 in the year of 1960 about company act of determining by the Dutch and has been nationalized was located in Bandung by the name of NV Denis (De erste Nederlandsche Indische Shareholding). The company was previously in mortgage bank. As the result of an act from government rules number 33 in the year of 1960 of West Java Government Province by Notary Public Noezar number 152 dated March 21st, 1961 and number 184 dated may 13th, 1961 and has been inaugurated with the letter of decision from the the governor of west java province number 7/GKDH/BPD/61 dated on May 20th, 1961, had founded PD Bank Karya Pembangunan with basic capital in the amount of Rp 2.500.000, 00The changes within the executive branch-1978To complete the law position of Bank Karya Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat which has been released by the rules of region of west java province number 11/PD-DPRD/72 dated June 27th 1972 about the law position of Bank Karya Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat as the company region which is in banking area. In regards of rules of region of west java province number 1/DP-040/PD/1978 dated June 27th, 1978 has been changed from Bank Karya to be Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat.The raising of activity-1992In 1992, the activity of Bank Pembangunan Daerah has been raised to be Bank Umum Devisa based on the decision letter from the Director of Bank INDONESIA NUMBER 25/84/KEP/DIR dated on November 2nd, 1992 with based on region rules number 11 in the year of 1995 and has been called Bank Jabar with a new logo.The changes in the law form-1998In following the developing of the economy and banking area, based on the region rules number 22 in the year of 1998 with the founding official document number 4 dated April 8th, 1999 along with the repair of the official document number 8 dated April 15th, 1999 and has been validated by the Minister of Justice Republic of Indonesia dated April 16th, 1999, the law form of Bank has been changed from Perusahaan Daerah (company region) into Perseroan Terbatas (Corporation)The expansion of work form-dual banking system 2000In order to fulfill the communitys request on banking service based on Syariah, with the permission of Bank Indonesia number 2/18/DpG/DPIP dated April 12th, 2000, since April 15th, 2000, Bank jabar became the first Bank Pembangunan Daerah which had dual banking system which to give service in conventional system and syariah sytem.Changes of name and Corporation call name-2007Based on the result of meeting of the share holder (RUPS-LB) PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dated July 3rd, 2007, along with the decision letter from Governor of Bank Indonesia number 9/63/KEP.GBI/2007 dated November 26th, 2007, about the changes of business permit on behalf of the name PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat became business permit in the name of PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten and with decision letter from board of directors number 1065/SK/DIR-PPN/2007 dated November 29th, 2007 therefore, the name of corporation has been changed to PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten with call name Bank Jabar BantenChanges of logo & Corporation call na

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
