Profil Perusahaan

Sepeda Bersama Indonesia Tbk.

Code : BIKE
Name : Sepeda Bersama Indonesia Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Bicycle wholesaler
Sector Code : A. Energy
Sector Name : E3
Industry : E32
Sub Industry : E321

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2017-10-13

Brief of Company Background

PT Bicycle Bersama Indonesia Tbk (SBI) was established in Tangerang in 2017. SBI is engaged in the wholesale trading business of bicycles. SBI is the holder of the Genio Bike brand and the largest distributor of United Bike and Avand brand bicycles . SBI distributes more than 100 types of bicycles or more than 300 variants annually through a network of 319 stores spread across Java, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua.SBI is committed to developing the bicycle industry from upstream to downstream. The distribution network is handled professionally and supported by integrated customer service, friendly sales process, the company is increasingly recognized as a provider of complete bicycle products that are easily accessible.With long operational experience and human resources who are directly involved in research, development, use of products and culture in Indonesia, SBI has expertise in creating products with various purposes. Providing products with a wide selection, ranging from economical, innovative, to high quality for competitive purposes. SBI has expertise in providing products that are highly relevant to the needs of the Indonesian market.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
