Profil Perusahaan

Pool Advista Finance Tbk.

Code : POLA
Name : Pool Advista Finance Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Multifinancing, investment financing, working capital financing, sharia financing based on Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulations.
Sector Code : G. Financials
Sector Name : G2
Industry : G21
Sub Industry : G211

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2018-08-20

Brief of Company Background

PT Pool Advista Finance was formerly named PT Indojasa Pratama Finance.PT Indojasa Pratama Finance was initially established as a trusted company in the automotive financing sector. The company was established on May 21, 2001 under the name of PT Indojasa Finance based on the deed made before Paulus Widodo Sugeng Haryono S.H., Notary in Jakarta, and has received approval from the Minister of Justice & Human Rights R.I. July 9, 2001 and was announced at BNRI No .: 79, TBN No. 11836, October 1, 2002.In 2002, Indojasa Finance obtained a business license as a Financing Company from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia based on Minister of Finance Decree No .: 180 / KMK.06 / 2002, April 23, 2002.In 2003, Indojasa Finance entered the capital market by issuing Bonds in 2003 worth Rp. 40,000,000,000, - (Forty Billion Rupiah) under the name of Indojasa Pratama I Amortization Bonds of 2003 with a fixed interest rate, with a BBB + (Triple B Plus) rating from PT Kasnic Credit Rating Indonesia.Even at that time, Indojasa Finance was one of the few SMEs that managed to issue and record bonds through the capital market. In November 2008 all of the bonds payable were paid off.Entering 2004, Indojasa Finance obtained a license to open a branch office from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, so that it has 9 branch offices spread across the West Java and Banten Provinces based on the Minister of Finance Decree No .: Kep-034 / KM.06 / 2004, 26 January 2004.On the same occasion, the Company name changed to PT Indojasa Pratama Finance based on deed No. 6 dated 26 October 2004, which was made before Herlina Suyati Bachtiar, SH., MBA, Notary in Jakarta, and has been approved by the Minister of Justice & Human Rights R.I. No .: C-27588.HT.01.04.TH.2004, November 3, 2004 and has been announced in BNRI No. 52, TBN No. 6892, July 1, 2005, and has been approved by the Minister of Finance R.I. based on Minister of Finance Decree No. Kep-398 / KM.5 / 2005, November 10, 2005.For its performance since the company was founded, Indojasa Finance obtained a rating of ""Very Good"" for the finance company category with assets below Rp. 100 billion based on the results of research conducted by the InfoBank Research Bureau, as published in InfoBank No. magazine. 318, September 2005.The same thing happened in 2006. Indojasa Finance again earned a ""Very Good"" rating for the category of Medium-sized Financing Companies (assets of Rp. 100 billion to Rp. Rp. 1 trillion) and ranked fifth (fifth) best based on the results of the InfoBank Research Bureau, as published in Infobank No. magazine. 329, August 2006.In the same year Indojasa Finance also managed to rank 7th (seventh) best as a multi-finance company for the asset category of Rp. 100 - 250 billion versions of Investor magazine No. 153, August 22 - September 4, 2006.In 2007 Indojasa Finance received the ""Very Good"" rating for the Medium Financing Company category (assets of Rp. 100 billion to Rp. 1 trillion) and ranked 7th (seventh) best based on the results of research conducted by the Research Bureau Infobank, as published in Infobank No. magazine. 341, August 2007.In 2009, again placing Indojasa Finance as a finance company with the title ""Very Good"" in the category of Medium Financing Companies (assets of Rp. 100 billion to Rp. 1 trillion) and ranked 13th (thirteenth) best based on the results of research conducted by the Infobank Research Bureau, as published in Infobank No. magazine. 265 August 2009.For its various performance, it places Indojasa Finance as the leading automotive consumer financing company in the country and also continues to carry out its commitments to banks that support Indojasa Finance.In the period of 2013 to 2015 shareholders took a conservative step in facing the unfavorable economic situation in Indonesia, namely to stop the expansion of new businesses in total. Since the beginning, the company has only focused on consumer financing in the automotive sector, especially commercial vehicles, namely the financing of trucks with coal, sand and palm oil transportation. In line with the deteriorating mining and plantation industries, truck driver drivers have been severely affected. So during this period it was a period of internal consolidation by taking policies or strategic steps such as reviewing the performance of branches, focusing on collections, reviewing HR, systems and procedures, implementing Good Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Compliance, Internal Control and implementing KYC. In facing an unfavorable economic situation, the company continues to maintain a commitment to 17 creditors who have supported the company to date.In measuring company performance, Indojasa Finance

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
