Profil Perusahaan

Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk.

Code : AHAP
Name : Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: General Insurance
Sector Code : G. Financials
Sector Name : G4
Industry : G41
Sub Industry : G412

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 1982-01-01

Brief of Company Background

Founded on May 28 1982, the company was granted approval by the Minster of Justice via Ministerial Decree No. C2-1325-HT01-01 TH.82, dated September 21 1982, and was issued Operating License No. KEP/633/MD/1983 by the Minster of Finance on February 11 the following year. Its operations in the damage insurance business include damage reinsurance. The company was set up by the founders of the Harapan Group. This conglomerate initially acted as the sole Indonesian agent for sales of Yamaha Motor products from Japan, but rapidly expanded its operations to other Asian countries, notably Singapore and Hong Kong. The Harapan Group diversified not only into the currency exchange business, but also into international trade, industry, and property development. The group also controlled two financial institutions, PT Bank Harapan Sentosa (Bank BHS) and PT Bank Pasar Gunung Kencana (Bank Guna), both of which have since gone into liquidation. Its expertise in the insurance business was gained from technical assistance provided by Asia Insurance Co. Ltd. of Hong Kong from the time the company was first established in 1983 up until the end of 1998. Since 1989, the company has been run exclusively by Indonesian insurance professionals. Having made a share offering on the Jakarta and Surabaya stock exchanges in 1990, eight years later the company?s founders sold a portion of their shares to local and foreign investors. At the 1998 General Meeting of Shareholders, the company changed its to PT Assuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk (PT AHAP Tbk). Net revenue in 2005 was increase to IDR28.979 billion from IDR24.597 billion which booked last year. Net profit increased. slightly from IDR2.021 billion to IDR2.720 billion.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
