Profil Perusahaan

Saptausaha Gemilangindah Tbk.

Code : SAGE
Name : Saptausaha Gemilangindah Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Real Estate
Sector Code : J. Infrastructures
Sector Name : H1
Industry : H11
Sub Industry : H111

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2015-12-01

Brief of Company Background

PT Saptausaha Gemilangindah Tbk is a company engaged in the property sector in the residential and commercial sectors, both within the city and outside the city.PT Saptausaha Gemilangindah Tbk is a company that develops residential and commercial areas with large land areas, strategic areas and is a company that has a good reputation and can be trusted by both domestic and foreign investors.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
