Profil Perusahaan

Telefast Indonesia Tbk.

Code : TFAS
Name : Telefast Indonesia Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Telecommunications Product Trading & Human Resources Digital Platform Service Provider
Sector Code : C. Industrials
Sector Name : I1
Industry : I11
Sub Industry : I111

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2009-05-10

Brief of Company Background

The challenges of the current era of global competition are getting tougher. Moreover entering the Industrial Revolution 4.0 where digitalization has become part of the activities of human life.To support this change, in various fields of industry, ""business actors, human resources and technology become an inseparable unit"".Requirements for providers and job seekers are how to take advantage of technological advancements in the world of work to be more effective, efficient and productive to create a ""win-win solution"".Answering this challenge, we provide solutions for the integration of human resources (HR) for employers in the management and development of the workforce and for job seekers in finding work easily, quickly, precisely and without limitation of results and time.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
