Profil Perusahaan

Berkah Beton Sadaya Tbk.

Code : BEBS
Name : Berkah Beton Sadaya Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Trading of construction materials and buildingmaterials equipment
Sector Code : J. Infrastructures
Sector Name : B1
Industry : B12
Sub Industry : B121

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2019-03-01

Brief of Company Background

PT Berkah Beton Sadaya is an integrated material & solutions provider for the industrial, infrastructure and construction industry. The company produces and provide building materials & solutions such as Readymix concrete and Precast concrete. The company strives to provide the best quality products and excellent service.

PT Berkah Beton Sadaya focuses on Human Resource development who are the foundations of a successful company. Supported by a solid management team and qualified personnel, the company is confident to face the challenges and business dynamics of the future.

PT Berkah Beton Sadaya will continue to contribute and play an active role in various developments, private and government projects.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
1Berkah Global Investama, PT31.3900%
2Berkah Multi Beton, PT1.0200%
3Sugiarwati Lucky4.9800%
4Haji Herdis Sudana1.1100%
5Cipta Ihya Nusantara, PT2.2200%
6Dr. r. H. Soewarso1.3700%
7Shierly Dyanne Wijaya Oei0.4400%
8Heri Santoso Liem0.1800%


President   :   Syed Zaid Bin Ali Al Hadad
Vice President   :  
commissioners   :   Dr. Ir. H. Soewarso; Shaleh Muhammad Al Jufri (Independent)
President   :   Iyan Sopiyan
Vice President   :  
Directors   :   Madya Yuni Sentosa; Ronny Soleh Pahlevi