Profil Perusahaan

Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk.

Code : BNII
Name : Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Banking
Sector Code : G. Financials
Sector Name : G1
Industry : G11
Sub Industry : G111

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 1959-05-15

Brief of Company Background

Established in 1959 as a commercial bank by the name of PT Bank Internasional Indonesia, and licensed as a foreign exchange bank in 1988. Subsequently BII made an Initial Public Offering in 1989, and kept on expanding until it emerged as one of the leading private national banks in Indonesia. This achievement was marked by scores of accolades that BII earned, from a number of institutions inside and outside the country, in the area of service as well as technological implementation. Following the monetary crisis that hit Asia in year 1997, BII won the trust from Indonesian government to participate in the re-capitalization program of national banking. Today, Bank Internasional Indonesia remains one of the largest banks in Indonesia. With more than two million customers, more than 240 branch offices, its own network of 650 ATMs with access to more than 2800 ATMs in ALTO network, the second largest card business and the leading electronic banking network in the country, BII has the infrastructure and network to serve as a key financial intermediary of the Indonesian banking sector. Despite returning to profitability in year 2000, BII re-experienced loss in 2001 due to a variety of challenges. The operating loss in 2001 largely stemmed from the high interest rates which applied on its third-party funds, primarily to maintain its liquidity in the face of increasing withdrawals from the bad publicity surrounding the Bank's uncertain fate in 2001. Following the full-amount transfer of the Sinar Mas Group credit to IBRA in November 2001 and subsequent announcement that BII will remain as a stand-alone bank, public confidence in the Bank had returned to effect an increase of third-party funds. However, this was too late to avoid the operating loss in the year 2001. In any case, by the first quarter of 2003, BII was operating under normal interest rate that it expects to return to operating profitability within the year. A full recovery is also expected by 2003 with the completion of the Bank's rights issue in July 2002. As one of the re- capitalized banks under the banking restructuring program, Bank Internasional Indonesia participated in the good corporate governance policy development and implementation program of IBRA under the guidance of Price Waterhouse Coopers in 2001. BII underwent two management changes in 2001 alone. These changes were expected to trigger a fresh start in revamping its business, in addition to bringing BII out of numerous stumbling blocks, toward reclaiming its position as one of Indonesia's leading banks. With various improvements accomplished & underway by the new management and backed by more than 7,500 employees, BII is committed to serving its customers better and care.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
