Profil Perusahaan

Global Mediacom Tbk.

Code : BMTR
Name : Global Mediacom Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Media & Broadcasting,Telecommunication Infrastructure,Transportation & Automotive, Chemicals,Hotel & Property Financial Services & Investment
Sector Code : C. Industrials
Sector Name : E6
Industry : E61
Sub Industry : E611

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 1981-06-30

Brief of Company Background

Bimantara Citra was born from a vision shared by three young aspiring businessmen : Bambang Trihatmodjo, Mohamad Tachril Sapiie and Rosano Barack. The shared aspiration of cementing their friendship and to be of service to their nation led to the establishment of PT Bimantara Citra on 30th June 1981. Operations began in humble premises in Jalan Toko Tiga, West Jakarta, unbefitting the social status of the founders. The Company began by supplying logistic needs for oil company, and quickly diversified into other areas. When Indra Rukmana and Peter F. Gontha joined the top management of the Company, the strengthened leadership provided fresh impetus for yet further business expansion. In a relatively short time, Bimantara Citra grew into a large holding company with a wide array of subsidiaries. The corporate headquarters were also moved to Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, where the location more appropriate for the central control operations of this considerably expanded corporate enterprise. Furthermore, the Bimantara Five Year Plan (RELITARA), initially decided by the top management of the holding company, is now formulated in a joint effort involving all top executives of the companies within the Bimantara Group. Though Bimantara Citra is relatively new to the Indonesian corporate world, the fast growth and plethora of associated challenges has provided a rich wellspring of experience, and the Company has proved itself capable of making up the distance between itself and other, longer-established corporations in Indonesia. With fast-growing 'business operations grouped under seven main divisions: Media & Broadcasting, Transportations & Automotive, Telecommunications, Infrastructure, Chemicals, Hotels & Property and Financial Services & Investments, supported by a strong, professional

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
