Profil Perusahaan
Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk.
Code | : | BBTN |
Name | : | Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. |
Type | : | Emiten |
Address | ||
Businnes | : | Banking |
Sector Code | : | G. Financials |
Sector Name | : | G1 |
Industry | : | G11 |
Sub Industry | : | G111 |
Company Status | : | PMDN |
Foundation Status | : | 1950-02-09 |
Brief of Company Background
As a Friend of Indonesian Family
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. has commitment in serving and providing three main products: personal, business and sharia banking
Our Vision
To Become The Best Mortgage Bank in Southeast Asia in 2025
Our Mission
Actively support the government in developing the welfare of the Indonesian people through home ownership
Realize the life that millions of Indonesians dream of by providing decent housing
Become One of Home of Indonesia's Best Talent
Increase shareholder value by focusing on sustainable profitability growth as a blue chip company with solid risk management principles
Become a financial partner for stakeholders in the housing ecosystem by providing comprehensive solutions and the best services through digital innovation
Shareholder List
NO | Shareholder Name | Percentage |
1 | Pemerintah (Seri A) | 0.0000% |
2 | Pemerintah (Seri B) | 60.0000% |
3 | Herry Trisaputra Zuna | 0.0063% |
4 | Himawan Arief Sugoto | 0.0063% |
5 | Nixon L.P Napitupulu | 0.0385% |
6 | Oni Febrianto Rahardjo | 0.0082% |
7 | Nofry Rony Poetra | 0.0251% |
8 | Elisabeth Novie Riswati | 0.0194% |
9 | Eko Waluyo | 0.0204% |
10 | Setiyo Wibowo | 0.0206% |
11 | Jasmin | 0.0274% |
12 | Andi Nirwoto | 0.0201% |
13 | Hirwandi Gafar | 0.0197% |
14 | Hakim Putratama | 0.0057% |
15 | Public | 39.7824% |
commissioners | ||
President | : | Chandra M. Hamzah (Independent) |
Vice President | : | Iqbal Latanro |
commissioners | : | Andin Hadiyanto; Herry Trisaputra Zuna; Himawan Arief Sugoto; Armand Bachtiar Arief (Indeoendent); Sentot A. Sentausa (Independent); Bambang Widjanarko (Independent); Adi Sulistyowati (Independent) |
Directors | ||
President | : | Nixon Lambok Pahotan Napitupulu |
Vice President | : | Oni Febrianto Rahardjo |
Directors | : | Notry Rony Poetra; Elizabeth Novie Riswanti; Eko Waluyo; Setiyo Wibowo; Jasmin; Andi Nirwoto; Hirwandi Gafar; Hakim Putratama; Muhammad Iqbal |
Audite Committee | ||
President | : | Iqbal Latanro |
Vice President | : | |
Audite Committee | : | Sentot Hadiyanto; Peter Eko Budi Darwito; Endang A, Suprijatna; Bambang Widjanarko |