Profil Perusahaan

AKR Corporindo Tbk.

Code : AKRA
Name : AKR Corporindo Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Ditributor of Chemical Product
Sector Code : A. Energy
Sector Name : A1
Industry : A11
Sub Industry : A112

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 1978-04-12

Brief of Company Background

AKR was formally established in Surabaya in 1977 as an integrated supply and logistics business spesializing in basic chemicals. Its beginning stretches back to the early 1960 when President Commissioner, Mr. Soegiarto Adikoesoemo, first established reputation in chemicals trading. A pioneering attitude has driven the company into diversifying the range of chemicals handled and the scope of business, making progression from trading and distribution, through supply and handling of liquid and dry chemicals, to large scale manufacturing and the development of an extensive network of logistics facilities to handle bulk commodities. Today AKR has become the largest chemical distributor in Indonesia ; a global name as the worlds second largest producer of sorbitol, and a foremost logistics player, leveraging its unique portfolio of key sites at Indonesia its leading ports. In recent years, AKR has broadened its reach first by acquiring a controlling interest in sorbitol manufacturing facilities and five key bulk commodity river ports in southern China, and second , by expanding into the deregulated ownstream petroleum sector in Indonesia, capitalizing on its capability in logistics and distribution to serve the needs of leading industrial customers.

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
