Hutama Karya Bond Sale Gets Oversubscribed 2.8 Times

Jakarta - PT Hutama Karya claims the issuance of bonds with a total of Rp1.3 trillion has been oversubscribed by 2.8 times.

The bonds consist of Sustainable Bonds II Phase II  program in 2022 worth Rp1 trillion and Sustainable Sukuk Mudharabah I Phase II program in 2022 worth Rp300 billion.

Hutama Karya President Director, Budi Harto, said that the issuance of these bonds managed to reduce the average loan interest rate (the existing cost of funds).

In his statement on Tuesday (15/2), he said, "We have also succeeded in reprofiling construction service loans from short-term loans to long-term loans with a maximum tenor of 7 years. The plan is to improve the company's capital structure to support the target of the Indonesian government's medium-term plan, especially the National Strategic Project (NSP), "he said in his statement in Jakarta on Tuesday (15/2).

He added that the company also received full support from the go

Penulis : Widya