PLN Ends Bond Sale Program of Rp24 Trillion

Jakarta - PT PLN announced that it would stop the general issuance of sustainable bonds IV and sustainable Sukuk Ijarah IV with a target of raising funds of Rp24 trillion and Rp6 trillion, respectively, which became effective on August 31, 2020.

"With this, we intend to close the bond sale IV program period in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Financial Services Authority No.36/POJK.04/2014 concerning the Continuous Public Offering of Debt/Sukuk Securities," said Corporate Secretary Alois Wusnuhardana in information disclosure on Wednesday ( 8/31).

During the bond selling program period, PLN successfully issued bonds and sukuk ijarah in one stage, amounting to Rp1.876 trillion. The details are Rp1.5 trillion for bond issuance and Rp386.5 billion for sukuk ijarah.

"Therefore, there is a remaining target of funds in the bond sale IV program, which is Rp28.123 trillion," he said.

Regarding the remaining targe

Penulis : Widya