Paramita Bangun Targets Revenue of Rp350 Billion in 2021

PT Paramita Bangun Sarana Tbk (PBSA) this year sets revenue target to reach Rp350 billion and a net profit of Rp35 billion.

Paramita's public presentation delivered through the Exchange, Monday (19/7), the company will continue to focus on running the construction business in the palm oil industry as it has been doing so far.

Construction activities carried out include: land clearing, road construction to oil palm plantations, building palm oil processing plants, construction of oil storage refineries, and the construction of pipes to transport oil to ships.

The company has expanded its business by entering into the concrete spun pile manufacturing business line and workshops or steel fabrication through its subsidiaries in terms of business development.

With these subsidiaries, the company can make considerable savings, because previously the company often entrusted the process of steel fabrication activities with other third parties with

Penulis : Widya