Hutama Karya Bonds, Sukuk Sales Oversubscribed by 3.9 Times

Jakarta - PT Hutama Karya claims oversubscribed for the sustainable bonds II phase I in 2021 and sustainable sukuk mudharabah I sale program by 3.9 times.

In the first phase, the company issued Rp1 trillion with a tenor of 3 years, five years, and seven years, with a coupon rate of 8.25%, 8.55%, and 9.3%, effective as of September 7, 2021.

Hutama Karya also offers a phase I sustainable sukuk mudharabah of Rp500 billion with a tenor of three years, five years, and seven years, with yields of 8.25%, 8.55% 9.3%, respectively,  effective as of September 7, 2021.

"Through the issuance of sustainable bonds, it is expected to improve the company's capital structure to support the government's medium-term plan targets, especially the National Strategic Project (PSN)," said Hutama Karya, President Director Budi Harto, in a statement on Wednesday (15/9).

According to Budi, the company is always trying to diversify its external fun

Penulis : Widya