BNI Offers Green Bonds Rp5 Trillion

Jakarta - PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk plans to conduct a public offering of green bonds in 2022 with a target of raising funds of Rp5 trillion.

Based on the company's information disclosure on Tuesday (6/14), it offers this green bond in two series, namely series A, worth Rp4 trillion with a coupon of 6.35% and a tenor of 3 years, and series B, worth Rp1 trillion with a coupon of 6.85% and a tenor of 5 years.

BNI will use the proceeds from the green bond issuance to finance or refinance projects in environmentally sound business activities, namely projects related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and so on.

BNI has obtained a rating from Pefindo, namely AAA to issue this green bond.

The underwriters were entrusted to PT BNI Sekuritas, PT BCA Sekuritas, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia. The trustee is entrusted to PT Bank Mandiri Tbk.

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