Wika Beton Wins Tender of Piles Supplier in Taiwan

PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WTON), through its subsidiary, PT Citra Lautan Teduh (CLT), won the tender to send products in the form of spun piles to Taiwan.

Wika Beton's Corporate Secretary, Yuherni Sisdwi, said that the company competes with other countries, such as Vietnam and Malaysia. CLT's victory is based on the amount of guaranteed production capacity.

Meanwhile, the specifications of the piles to be sent are 300 mm and 8 meters long. For the first export this time, Taiwan will conduct a pile test on the products shipped.

"This pile test needs to be done to ensure the conformity of product requirements and specifications with project requirements. After passing the product pile test, Wika Beton through CLT will get the full project contract," said Yuhenri in an official statement on Thursday (25/3).

CLT is a company engaged in manufacturing pre-tensioned centrifugal precast concrete piles. Wika Beton's ownership of CLT reaches 99.50%.

Penulis : Widya