Wijaya Karya Plans to Sell Rp2.5 Trillion of Bonds, Sukuk

Jakarta - PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA) plans to issue sustainable bonds II phase I in 2021 worth Rp1.750 trillion and sukuk mudharabah II phase 1 in 2021 worth Rp750 billion.

The company's brief prospectus published on Monday (23/8) showed that in phase I, the issuance of bonds is part of the sustainable bonds II program with a target of obtaining funds of Rp3.5 trillion.

Meanwhile, the issuance of the phase I sukuk mudharabah is part of the sustainable sukuk mudharabah II program with a target fundraised of Rp1.5 trillion.

In phase I, the company offers the bonds in three series,  series A with a tenor of 3 years, series B with a tenor of 5 years, and series C with a tenor of 7 years. The company also offers Mudharabah sukuk in three series.

The company will allocate proceeds from the bond issuance for partial payment of the short-term debt to PT BTPN Tbk.

Meanwhile, the state-owned construction company will use proceeds from

Penulis : Widya