Trisula International Targets Sales Growth of 5% in 2021

PT Trisula International Tbk (TRIS) is aiming for sales growth (top line) of 5% year on year (YoY) in 2021.

Marketing Director of Trisula International Kartono Budiman said that this year Trisula International sees good export market opportunities. Indonesia is currently the 22nd largest garment exporter in the world and the 8th largest garment producer globally.

"The potential for exports can still be explored and developed to improve performance. So we are targeting growth in export sales this year by 5% compared to last year," he said at a virtual public expose, Thursday (27/5).

According to Kartono, export's contribution to TRIS revenue in 2020 increased by 3.4% to 50.3% of sales from 48.7% of total sales in 2019.  Currently the largest export destination country to America and Australia.

"There are a number of positive catalysts that give TRIS confidence to increase the export market. First, product development and

Penulis : Widya