Solusi Bangun Allocates Rp500 Billion for 2021 Capex

PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SMCB) has allocated this year's capital expenditure (capex) of Rp500 billion.

President Director of Indonesian Build Solutions Aulia Mulki Oemar said the company would use most of the capex funds to maintain company facilities. Also, this subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia Tbk has allocated capex to strengthen the cement logistics infrastructure.

"This year's Capex will come from the company's internal cash," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (31/3).

The management of SMCB has not disclosed detailed revenue and net profit targets for this year. However, Aulia hopes that the company's performance will be in line with national economic growth this year.

"One of the positive catalysts for the positive performance of cement producers, including SMCB, this year is an increase in the government's infrastructure development budget by 47% to Rp 414 trillion," said Aulia.

Also, the Covid-19 vaccination program is likely a trigger for the recovery of the national economy, which will certainly have a good impact on the SMCB business. With these sentiments, SMCB Management believes that the national cement sales growth will be in the range of 3% -6% this year.

Furthermore, SMCB Management focuses on supporting several infrastructure projects that are still ongoing this year, such as the Lenteng Agung Flyover project in South Jakarta, which is ComfilPlas' first project complete with the SMCB DynaPump facility. In this project, SMCB collaborated with PT PP Tbk.

Previously, SMCB had worked on the largest ApexCrete project in 2020, namely the construction of a 7-hectare (Ha) Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Car Factory floor construction in Cikarang, West Java.

This company is also trusted to work on the Gudang Garam Airport construction project in Kediri, which began in June 2020.

Penulis : Widya