PTPP Offers 6.50% - 7.75% Bond Coupons

Jakarta - PT PP  Tbk offers coupons for sustainable bonds III phase II-2022 of around 6.50-7.75%.

According to the prospectus released on Tuesday (4/5), the company will issue Rp544.5 billion in phase II bonds, representing a portion of the Rp3 trillion in funds raised.

In this second phase, the bonds are offered in two series: Series A, worth Rp140 billion with a 6.50% coupon for a 3-year term, and Series B, worth Rp404.5 billion with a 7.75% coupon and a 5-year term.

Along with the issuance of bonds, PTPP also issued sukuk mudharabah I phase II of 2022 worth Rp365 billion.

The company plans to use the proceeds from the bond issuance of Rp 544.5 billion to pay off the principal of PTPP's ongoing bonds II phase II 2019 series A.

Meanwhile, the proceeds from the offering of mudharabah sukuk are for PTPP's working capital.

In order to issue these bonds, PTPP received ratings of A and A(sy) from Pefindo.

Penulis : Widya