Profil Perusahaan

Nusantara Almazia Tbk.

Code : NZIA
Name : Nusantara Almazia Tbk.
Type : Emiten


: Property Developer
Sector Code : H. Properties & Real Estate
Sector Name : H1
Industry : H11
Sub Industry : H111

Company Status

Foundation Status
: 2009-02-11

Brief of Company Background

PT Nusantara Almazia Tbk (the Company) is a limited liability company which is engaged in property and is located at Jl. Raya Citra Kebun Mas, Bengle Village, Majalaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java 41351.The main business activities carried out by the Company at present are as developers. The company focuses on developing the area in the City of Tangerang and Karawang Regency. The company develops residential property with a focus on providing the housing needs of the lower middle class society, apartment and area developers with the TOD concept.The Company is a limited liability company that has been legally established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia, based on Article of Association of PT Nusantara Almazia No. 24 dated November 26, 2007, made before Ukon Krisnajaya, S.H., Sp.N., Notary in Jakarta, which had been approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (“Menkumham”) based on Decree No. AHU-03882.AH.02.02 of 2008 dated January 25, 2008 and has been registered in the register of the Company No. AHU-0005913.AH.01.09 of 2008 dated January 25, 2008 (“Articles of Association”).The Articles of Association contained in the Company’s Deed of Establishment have undergone several changes, the latest amendment relating to the change in the status of the Company to a publicly listed company in the context of adjusting to the provisions of the articles of association of a public company as stipulated in (i) POJK No. IX.J.I; (ii) POJK No. 32/2014; and (iii) POJK No. 33/2014 contained in the Deed of Amendment to the Articles of Association of PT Nusantara Almazia Tbk No. 2323 dated 28 November 2019 made before Recky Francky Limpele, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, who had obtained approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights as stipulated in Letter No. AHU-AH.01.03-0366025 dated November 28, 2019, and has been registered in the Register o

Shareholder List
NOShareholder NamePercentage
