Post Merger, Bank Syariah Indonesia Share Price Surges 439.2 Percent

Post the merger, PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BRIS) managed to record a share price increase of 439.2 percent from the initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on May 9, 2018, at Rp510 per share, to Rp2,750 per share as of February 3, 2021.

"The stock price of BRIS at the IPO was only Rp. 510, while as of February 3 yesterday the share price was Rp. 2,750. This means that it has increased five times from the IPO price," said President Director of Bank Syariah Indonesia, Hery Gunardi, at the Opening Bell Ceremony of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk. in Jakarta, Thursday (4/2).

Apart from the significant increase in the share price of BRIS, BRIS's market capitalization also increased thanks to the entry of two other Islamic banks, namely PT Bank Syariah Mandiri and PT Bank BNI Syariah.

"The market cap of BRIS at the IPO was Rp4.96 trillion. As of February 3, yesterday, the market cap of BRIS with additional shares from two other banks increased tens of times to Rp. 112.8 trillion," Hery said.

As a merged bank, BSI had total assets as of the end of December last year Rp240 trillion, disbursed Rp financing Rp157 trillion. Meanwhile, the third party funds (DPK) collected amounted to Rp210 trillion as of the end of last year.

Penulis : Widya