PMN Plans to Sell Rp1 Trillion Bonds

Jakarta - PT Permodalan Nasional Madani plans to issue sustainable bonds V phase I 2022 worth Rp1 trillion.

Based on the prospectus released Wednesday (13/7), the target for funds raised from the sustainable bonds V program is Rp10 trillion.

In the first stage, the company offers bonds in two series, Series A with a tenor of 370 days and Series B with a tenor of 3 years.

Funds obtained from the public offering of bonds will be used entirely for working capital channeled to MSME financing.

To issue this bond, PNM has obtained a rating from Fitch Ratings,  AA.

PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas, and PT Mandiri Sekuritas are entrusted with implementing the issuance as underwriters. Its trustee is PT Bank Mega Tbk (MEGA).

The implementation schedule is: to get a pre-effective statement from OJK on July 12, 2022; an initial offer starting July 13, 2022; determination of the final

Penulis : Widya