PMN Plans to Issue Rp6 Trillion Sukuk Mudharabah

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani plans to carry out a sustainable general issuance of sukuk mudharabah I with a target of obtaining funds of a maximum of Rp6 trillion.

Based on a brief prospectus released on Friday (10/6),  the company will issue sustainable mudharabah sukuk for a maximum of Rp2 trillion in three series in the first stage.

Series A has a term of 370 days, series B has a tenor of 3 years, and series C has a tenor of 5 years.

The company appointed PT Bahana Sekuritas, Indo Premier Sekuritas, and Mandiri Sekuritas as underwriters for the issuance of the mudharabah sukuk.

The trustee is entrusted to Bank Mega Tbk.

The proceeds from the issuance of this sustainable mudharabah sukuk are planned as working capital to be channeled into sharia financing.

To issue the sustainable sukuk mudharabah, the company uses the financial statements ending December 31, 2020, where the PNM gearing ratio is at the level of

Penulis : Widya