SOE Ministry Transfers Shares of 5 Food Companies into Holding

Jakarta - The Ministry of SOEs has officially transferred the shares of five Food SOEs to PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia or RNI as the holding company for Food SOEs, marked by the signing of the Inbreng Deed of government shares between RNI and the five food SOEs.

The five SOEs are PT Indonesia Trading Company, PT Sang Hyang Seri, PT Perikanan Indonesia, PT Berdikari and PT Garam.

The transfer of shares was carried out following the government regulation on holding food SOEs, namely PP Number 118 of 2021, concerning the addition of the Republic of Indonesia's State Equity Participation into the share capital of PT RNI. It was accompanied by the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 555/KMK.06/2021 concerning the Determination of the Value of the Republic of Indonesia's State Equity Participation in the Share Capital of PT RNI.

"With the formation of the Food SOE Holding, it is hoped that it will strengthen the food sector as a whole by

Penulis : Widya