Pegadaian and LPEI Ready to Pay Rp2.842 Trillion Debts

PT Pegadaian (Persero) and the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) stated that they are ready to pay debt securities about to mature, with a total principal amount of Rp2.842 trillion.

Pegadaian debt securities consist of MTN sharia mudharabah I 2018 A series worth Rp450 billion and Rp50 billion on March 6, 2021.

Pegadaian has provided funds for the MTN principal payments with funds obtained by increasing the Islamic banking loan ceiling.

"Pegadaian will pay off the principal of Islamic MTN mudharabah I 2018 A and B series with the source of funds coming from sharia banking loan facilities," said Head of Pegadaian Treasury Division, Endah Susiani, in the IDX disclosure, on Tuesday (9/2).

According to him, the available credit ceiling facility is Rp2.7 trillion, of which the projected use of bank loans as of February 28, 2021, is Rp2.7 trillion. So, there is still a usable loan ceiling of Rp884 billion.

Meanwhile, LPEI debt securities consist of PUB IEB III phase IV 2018 series A bonds maturing on February 14, 2021, valued at Rp610 billion, and bonds PUB IEB II stage VII 2016 series C maturing on February 19, 2021, around Rp1.732 trillion.

"We have provided funds amounting to Rp2.342 trillion for the principal payments of debt securities to securities holders at maturity," said LPEI Corporate Secretary Agus Windiarto.

He continued, the funds placed in various liquid financial instruments, including placements with banks.

Penulis : Widya