PT PP Net Profit Rises 13.4% to Rp53 Billion in 1st Quarter

Jakarta - PT PP Tbk (PTPP), until the first quarter of 2022, posted a net profit of Rp53 billion, an increase of around 13.42% compared to the same period the previous year.

PTPP Finance and Risk Management Director Agus Purbianto said the positive net profit performance was supported by a 50.79% growth in operating income to Rp4.28 trillion compared to the same period in 2021 of Rp2.83 trillion.

"The increase in operating income was supported by almost all of the company's business sectors growing. The construction sector increased 36 percent, EPC increased 26%, and property grew around 37 percent," he said in a statement in Jakarta on Wednesday (11/5).

The contribution to PTPP's revenue growth of Rp4.28 trillion came from the parent company by 57% and the remaining 43% from its subsidiaries (PP Presisi 17%, PP Semarang Demak 9%, PP Properti 8%, PP Urban 4%, and others 5 %).

"The achievement of financial performance tha

Penulis : Widya