Hutama Karya Targets to Bag Rp20.59 Trillion New Contracts in 2021

PT Hutama Karya (Persero) this year targets the acquisition of new contracts to reach Rp20.59 trillion.

Based on the 2020 annual report published Friday (25/6), until May 2021, the achievement of new contracts has been around 59.47%.

The company also set a target for the tender to be won at around Rp25.43 trillion, with revenues of Rp17.43 trillion.

Ebitda is estimated to reach Rp3.22 trillion and total assets of Rp116.42 trillion.

Hutama Karya views the future business prospects with optimism, which is in line with several targets that it has set.

In preparing future targets, the company uses assumptions, including the government's policy plan contained in the 2021 state budget.

Meanwhile, the 2021 RAPBN assumes that economic growth is estimated to be around 45-5.5%, the rupiah exchange rate is Rp13,900-Rp14,700, the inflation rate is 2%-4%, the interest rate is about 4%.

Penulis : Widya