Gudang Garam Increases Capital in Suryo Dhoho by Rp1 Trillion

PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) makes additional capital deposits to PT Suryo Dhoho Investama (SDHI) worth Rp1 trillion by taking 1 million new shares issued by SDHI.

"This affiliated transaction plan aims to increase SDHI capital, is carried out to support the continuation of the development process of the Integrated Airport in Kediri, East Java. GGRM will build the airport through SDHI," said GGRM Corporate Secretary Heru Budiman through the IDX disclosure, Monday (1/3 ).

Currently, the company controls around 99.99% of SDHI shares.

Post the corporate action, SDHI's issued and paid-up capital will increase to Rp. 5 trillion from the previous Rp. 4 trillion. The company targets to increase the SDHI capital to Rp 8 trillion.

Gudang Garam will continue to pay in stages the issued and paid-up capital this year. The company will make the initial deposit on March 3, 2021.

Penulis : Widya