Gudang Garam Injects Rp1 Trillion Capital into Suryo Dhoho

Jakarta - PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) made an additional capital of Rp1 trillion to PT Suryo Dhoho Investama (SDHI).

The mechanism for depositing additional funds is carried out by taking 1 million new shares issued by SDHI.

"The issued and paid-up capital will be made in stages, with an initial deposit of Rp. 100 billion on September 20, 2021 and the remainder being paid in stages for the entirety of December 2021," said GGRM Corporate Secretary Heru Budiman in information disclosure on the IDX on Monday (20/9).

It was explained, with the additional capital, SDHI's issued and paid-up capital was originally Rp5 trillion to Rp6 trillion.

The purpose of this affiliate transaction is to increase SDHI's capital, which is carried out to support the continuation of the development process of the Integrated Airport in Kediri, East Java. The construction is carried out by the company through SDHI.

Penulis : Widya