BI: Financial Global Markets Uncertainties to Ease

Uncertainties in global financial markets began to show a decline, in line with the clarity of the Fed's policy direction, the US Central Bank, which was accommodative and viewed that it was still too early to reduce monetary policy stimulus or taper.

"The Fed will continue to purchase securities until there are substantial developments in inflation and employment," said Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo on Thursday (17/6).

Perry said that positive developments in global financial markets would impact increasing foreign capital inflows to developing countries, including Indonesia, and strengthening currencies in various countries.

"BI noted that the rupiah exchange rate as of June 16, 2021 had strengthened by 0.49% on average and 0.30% point-to-point compared to the May 2021 level. The strengthening was due to continued foreign capital inflows and reduced financial market uncertainty. globally," he said.


Penulis : Widya