MDKA Units Make Transactions for US$280 Million

Jakarta - The business entity PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (MDKA) conducted a transaction to subscribe for new shares with a total value of US$280,040 million.

In this transaction, PT Merdeka Battery Materials (MBM) took new shares issued by PT Batutua Pelita Investama (BPI) with an ownership of 66.4%.

The value of the capital deposit transaction at BPI by MBM is US$100 million.

Meanwhile, PT Merdeka Energi Nusantara (MEN) acquired new shares issued by MBM worth US$180,040. MEN's share ownership in MBM is around 59.88%.

MBM is a company controlled by MDKA, which is indirectly owned by about 55.26%. While MEN is controlled by the MDKA company with 99.99% ownership.

Penulis : Widya