Chandra Arie Passes OJK Compliance Test

Jakarta - The Financial Services Authority OJK announced that Chandra Arie Setiawan had met the requirements to become an Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Mandiri Taspen (Mantap).

"This decision by the members of the OJK board of commissioners shall come into effect from the date of stipulation," said the Chief Executive of OJK Banking Supervision, Heru Kristiyana, in information disclosure on Friday (28/1).

This decision is in accordance with letter No. KEP-9/D.03/2022 concerning the results of the capability and compliance assessment of Chandra Arie Setiawan.

OJK will review this decision if there is an error in the future.

Previously, Bank Mantap submitted a request for a capability and compliance assessment for the appointment of Chandra Arie as an Independent Commissioner based on the circular decision of Bank Mantap shareholders dated June 28, 2021, and letter No DIR/704/2021 dated October 18, 2021, until the latest No DIR/0

Penulis : Widya