BBNI Releases Rupiah, Dollar NCD

 Jakarta - PT Bank Nasional Indonesia  Tbk (BBNI) issued a negotiable certificate of deposit (NCD) in Rupiah and US Dollars on December 8, 2022.

"The Rp2.5 trillion NCD and the US$ 31.5 million NCD," said Acting BNI Corporate Secretary Division Head Disa Irtanti Manafe in an information disclosure in Jakarta on Monday (12/12).

The NCD worth Rp2.5 trillion consisted of three series,  Series A, worth Rp1 trillion with a tenor of 6 months and a 5.90% coupon. Series B Rp500 million for nine months with a coupon of 6% and Series C Rp1 trillion with a tenor of 12 months and 6.20% coupon.

Meanwhile, the NCD is US$31.5 million with a 6-month tenor and 4.25% interest.

"All of the proceeds from the issuance of the NCD will be used for credit expansion in the business development framework," she explained.

The company has appointed PT BNI Sekuritas, PT BCA Sekuritas, and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia as

Penulis : Widya