Berlian Laju Tanker Targets Revenue to Rise 11% in 2021

PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk (BLTA) this year is aiming for an 11% revenue growth to US$17.53 million.

Based on the 2020 annual report published Thursday (1/7), as operating income grows, the company targets operating profit to increase 29.67% to US$3.649 million.

To achieve this target, the company took strategic steps such as maintaining or increasing the portion of the rental contract business to stabilize and guarantee group income as well as reduce operating costs, increasing the portion of the contract of affreightment business to obtain certainty of transportation volume and transportation rates that have been agreed upon to avoid fluctuations transport tariff.

Then, maintain the voyage or spot cashflow business portfolio to maintain the group's position in the regional market, focus on maintaining an efficient cost structure, and the business expansion that is still related to the company's main business.

The total fleet operated

Penulis : Widya