Rupiah Depreciates 2.26% Since End-December

The Rupiah exchange rate against the United States Dollar (USD) has depreciated or depreciated by 2.26% since the end of December until today, on Thursday (18/3), and currency depreciation has occurred in almost all countries.

"Compared to a number of countries the weakening of the Rupiah exchange rate year to date from the end of 2020, December 31 to today recorded a 2.26% depreciation," said the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Perry Warjiyo, at a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Thursday. (18/3).

Perry said that the depreciation rate was lower than other emerging market countries such as Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, and Thailand. Global financial uncertainty triggered the weakening factor for the rupiah against the dollar.

"The uncertainty of the global financial market is increasing, which is associated with the market reaction to the size of the US fiscal stimulus and the faster US economic recovery," he explained.

In the future, BI believes that Indonesia's currency will still be maintained considering that the United States central bank (The Fed) will not change its monetary policy. This can then become a reference for maintaining exchange rate stability.

"Although the Fed will not change its monetary policy yet, the strengthening of the dollar will put pressure on all currencies in the world. The stabilization steps we are taking to keep the exchange rate are of course still affordable," said Perry.

Penulis : Widya