Bahana TCW: Social Restriction Not Significantly Affects Economy

PT Bahana TCW Investment Management (Bahana TCW) predicts that implementing the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), which takes effect on July 3-20 July 2021, will have a limited impact on the economy the stock market.

Chief Economist of Bahana TCW Budi Hikmat said the service and retail sectors would be most affected by the emergency PPKM.

"However, investors have learned a lot from previous social restrictions by considering other sectors that will bring good returns during emergency PPKM such as energy, technology, etc. Investors will respond more to this PPKM by changing their investment strategy," in his statement on Friday (2/7).

He explained that the economic downturn and market performance due to the high spike in cases would be perceived quite positively by market players. Disruptions to economic activity will only last for two months. Furthermore, conditions will improve in line with the increasing number of vaccination

Penulis : Widya