Angger Yuwono Becomes Jiwasraya New President Director

The Ministry of SOEs has again changed the board of directors of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) by appointing Angger P. Yuwono as President Director to replace Hexana Tri Sasongko.

This step is the Decree of the Minister of SOE No. SK-185/MBU/06/2021 concerning Dismissal, Change of Position Nomenclature, Transfer of Duties, and Appointment of Members of the Jiwasraya Board of Directors.

Jiwasraya's Corporate Secretary, Kompyang Wibisana, said that the change and transition of Jiwasraya's directors is part of the government's commitment to ensure the sustainability of the Jiwasraya Policy Restructuring Program.

With the change in the composition of the new board of directors, Jiwasraya's new management is optimistic that the restructuring program of Jiwasraya, which has entered the final phase of preparation for policy migration, can be carried out according to the predetermined schedule.

"The decision to change the compos

Penulis : Widya