AKR Corporindo, BP Plan to Build Gas Station

Jakarta - PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA) and BP plan to build 350 public gas stations in the next ten years.

"Currently, 16 gas stations have been operating, and by the end of this year 30-35 gas stations can operate," said AKR President Director Haryanto Adikoesomo in an online public expose on Wednesday (8/9).

According to him, AKR and BP are committed to building 40-45 gas stations every year.

In addition to building gas stations, AKR has also started distributing aviation fuel for the aviation industry. Currently, AKR has served the aviation fuel needs for Morowali Airport and Airbus Helicopters Hangar Cibubur.

"In the future, we see that there are still many new airports and airports in Indonesia that require more aviation fuel," he added.

He assessed that the avtur business potential is very wide open because Indonesia is an archipelagic country.

"Indonesia as an archipelagic country where

Penulis : Widya