Adi Sarana Obtains Rp275 Billion Credit Facility from BTN, BTPN

PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA) obtained a credit facility worth Rp275 billion from PT Bank BTPN Tbk (BTPN). Adi Sarana signed the credit facility agreement with the banks on February 23, 2021, said Corporate Secretary Hindra Tanujaya.on Friday (26/2).

This loan is Adi Sarana Armada's commitment to developing the rental business, incorporated into the company's three main business pillars, namely the rental, auction, and end-to-end logistics business lines.

Adi Sarana plans to use the funds to purchase many vehicles that the company can rent out later. "Thus, the company's business can continue to grow, and revenues can grow in the future," said Hindra in Jakarta, .

Regarding the logistics business line, President Director Adi Sarana Armada Prodjo Sunarjanto previously said the company hopes for a more significant contribution, in line with changes in the shopping style of the people who switch to e-commerce.

"We estimate that in the next 1-2 years, Anteraja's business line can contribute more than 50 percent of the company's total revenue. "The growth hopefully will have an impact on this year's income increase to above 20 percent," he explained.

In addition to the growth in e-commerce spending, the logistics business's development will be supported by strengthening the B2B (business) segment to expand the cooperation network by opening services in new cities and strengthening human resources.

Meanwhile, in the auction business line, the company is committed to developing the Caroline website as a marketplace for used car transactions and the ShareCar platform as a technology adaptation to develop electric vehicles. Currently, the company also uses this application to increase the utilization of the rental business.

Penulis : Widya