Adhi Karya Offers Bonds with 8.25% to 10.20% Coupons

Jakarta - PT Adhi Karya Tbk offers coupons for sustainable bonds III phase III 2022 ranging from 8.25% to 10.20%.

In a brief prospectus published on Wednesday (18/5), ADHI issued bonds amounting to Rp3.75 trillion from the targeted funds raised to reach Rp5 trillion.

These bonds have three series, series A worth Rp1.28 trillion with a coupon of 8.25% with a 3-year tenor, series B worth Rp667.5 billion with a 9% coupon and a 5-year tenor; and series C worth Rp1.79 trillion with a coupon of 10.20% and a tenor of 7 years.

The company will use the bond proceeds of around Rp2.81 trillion to pay off the principal of the sustainable bonds II phase I-2017 and the rest for the company's working capital.

In the context of the continuous public offering of sustainable bonds III, the company has obtained a rating from Pefindo, namely 'A.'

The underwriters for the bond issuance are PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas

Penulis : Widya